Benefits Of Modular Solar Panel Mounting: A Complete Guide

What Is Modular Solar Panel Mounting And How Does it Work?
Modular design or modularity in design is a design principle that divides a system into smaller sub-systems that can be independently created, modified and also added to or removed from another sub-system or usually called a module. This way, improving an existing system is much easier using a modular design compared to the tradisional design.
To make this clearer, let’s do an example. Consider that you have wardrobe consisting of 4 racks from top to bottom. Of course, if you have a lot of clothes or pants, you would need to sacrifice any piece that is old enough to make room for the new clothes and pants (since the existing wardrobe is fixed and can’t be changed).
What if we can add another rack on top of the existing racks and the wardrobe would work the same? What if it would only take 5 minutes to add additional rack rather than spending hours trying to nail another rack on top of the existing ones?
That is modular design.
How Modular Solar Panel Mounting Can Increase Your System's Efficiency
Any system can be designed for modularity. From wardrobe, desks, websites, even a complex system such as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Usually, the more complex a system is, the more people will advised you to use modular design.
Imagine that you have a 6 meters worth of solar panels, and all of them are mounted onto a steel mounting bar. If, let’s say, that the center area of the bar is corroded. What would you do? Of course you would want to replace it. How? Dissasembly the center solar panels, cut the bar, weld a new bar to replace the old one and re-mount the solar panels. A lot of work?
Now imagine if, instead of using steel bar, you would use a modular bar such as Solar Profile as the solar panel mounting. When a replacement is required on the center area of the Solar Profile, what you need to do is just remove the solar panels, cut the center bar, put a new Solar Profile in, re-mount the solar panels. Hours worth of steel works is reduced to only minutes of work. You don’t even need any tools or welding experience to do it.
The Cost Savings & Durability Advantages Of Solar Panels With Modular Racking Systems
A modular solar panel mounting saves you the trouble and the high maintenance cost to optimize your return on investments. If you are a contractor for solar panel mounting services, using a modular mounting such as Solar Profile would help you get the job done faster with much less effort. This reduces your labor cost and increases your margin.
Solar profiles also comes with the advantage of durability because solar profiles are designed to withstand corrosion because of its 10μm of anodized layers. This will ensure that your solar profile lasts equally long if not longer than your solar panels (which is the main goal when considering durability)
When designing any system especially solar panel mounting, there’s nothing that could go wrong by going with modular design. Modularity will always help you saves cost and the trouble of installing it.