Blog Guide To Solar Panel, How It Works, Install And Benefits

Guide To Solar Panel, How It Works, Install And Benefits

Ultimate Guide To Solar Panel How It Works Install And Benefits

What Are Solar Panels And What Do They Do?

Solar panels are devices that can generate electricity by absorbing and turning sun light into a usable energy for practically any place that uses electricity. They harness the energy from the sun and convert it into electricity for our homes and businesses. Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as more people look for ways to save money on their energy bills.

What Are Solar Cells?

Solar cells are electronic devices that converts light energy into electricity using the photovoltaic effect which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. Solar cells are usually called photovoltaic cells because of how they convert light into electricity. Solar cells are different from solar panels. A collection of solar cells assembled into one panel is called a solar panel. See those blue grid on a solar panel? Each of those grid cells are solar cells.

What Do Solar Panels Made Of?

Solar panels are made using many parts of different materials.

  • A junction box, which is responsible as connector between the solar array and the charging control device.
  • Back sheet insulation, usually made out of a polymer or combination of polymers, which is responsible to isolate the internal electrical circuitry with external environment.
  • Encapsulant layer, which is usually made out of EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) polymer is responsible to allow as much sun light coming into the solar cells while also blocking harmful UV radiation.
  • Photovoltaic / solar cells are devices that converts light into electicity. This is basically the most important part. Solar cells are protected by 2 EVA layers (on top and below solar cells) which then heated together to 150°C to polymerize the EVA layers and bond the modules together.
  • A highly transparent tempered glass serves as the protective layer to prevent environmental factors like vapors, water and dirt from damaging the solar cells. Please take note that we use the term “highly transparent” for a reason.
  • Lastly is the anodized aluminium frame which holds all above components together, forming one solar panel. These aluminium frames are anodized to prevent corrosion for a long run. How long does it prevent corrosion? It depends on how thick your anodize layer is.

The Different Types Of Solar Cells

Solar cells which made a solar panel have 3 common types. These are the Crystalline Silicon cells, Thin Film cells and the Third Generation cells. These 3 types can be differentiated by their material used, efficiency level, flexibility and of course the price.

Crystalline Silicon cells are made out of crystalline silicon which is sliced from a large ingots grown in laboratories. These ingots can take the form of single crystal or multiple crystals. Single crystal would make a monocrystalline solar panel while multiple crystal would make a polycrystalline solar panel. Polycrystalline solar panels are in the mid-range in terms of price and efficiency.

Thin Film cells are usually made out of Amorphous Sillicon but can also be made out of Cadmium-Telluride, Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) or other organic photovoltaic materials. A Thin Film cell excells at flexibility as it can be put onto windows, glasses, or anywhere really. But this flexibility comes with a cost. Thin Film cells are less efficient compared to Crystalline Silicon. Thin Film cells only reach around 7% - 12% efficiency while Crystalline Silicon reaches up to 20% efficiency.

The Third Generation cell offers the best of both worlds. These Third Generation cells are usually made from Amorphous Sillicon, Perovskite Crystal or organic polymers. It allows for more efficiency and increases practicality. A Perovskite-Silicon Tandem cells are reportedly have efficiency of about 30% which is higher than Crystalline Silicon cells.

Benefits Of Using Solar Panels

Solar panels have been known by many as a way to save electrical bills as solar panels generate its own electricity from the sun light. But there are also other benefits that you can get from using solar panels at your home or businesses.

  • Solar energy is a clean and green energy as it does not pollute or damages the environment when it generates electricity.
  • Solar energy is a renewable energy which means that it is always available whenever you can see the sun. But please don’t look directly at the sun.
  • Using solar panels reduces your electricity bills. The more solar panels you have the more you see reduction in your electrical bills.
  • Solar panels can act as an emergency power source. May your house be brighter than your neighborhood during blackouts.
  • Installing solar panels at your home actually increases your property value whenever you want to sell it. That is, if you leave behind the solar panels.
  • Solar panels can work in any climate. Let there be electricity whenever the light of day touches your solar panels.

Solar Panel Installation And What To Look For

Although there are numerous methods to install solar panels, you would still need to consider several things before doing your solar panels.

You can install your solar panels on the roof, on top of poles, on the ground, walls and many other places. To best choose where to put your solar panel installation spot, you can refer to how Obi-wan defeats Anakin. High ground prevails. This is because the more you exposes your solar panels to sun light, the more you can get out of your solar panels. Typically high places such as rooftops and poles would offer the best spot for your solar panels. Find a place where the sun hits consistently during the day, and that would be your best spot.

“With different places comes various mounting compatibility”, said Uncle Ben.

Well actually no, uncle Ben never said that. But nevertheless, you got to think about how you are going to mount your solar panels. Different places would require similar but different parts and different steps to install it. It’s also doesn’t hurt to research on the mounting parts to see how long will it last. You do not want your solar panels to last longer than your mounting frame.

Another thing you have to think about is whether it is future-proof or not, especially if this is your first time trying out solar panels or if you still have a lot more areas that you can use for solar panels. Find mounting parts that are easily expandable, installed and maintained. This would means that no welding, no nailing or any other permanent installation method.

Lucky for you CA-Solar products are all modular, meaning that your child can install it in under half an hour.

Why Use Mountings From CA-Solar?

CA-Solar offers modular and simple to install products for solar panel mounting frames. It can be used for mounting solar panels on the ground, poles or rooftops. Here are several benefits on choosing CA-Solar as your solar panels mounting frame provider.

  • Anodized with thickness of 10μm. This will prevent corrosion on our products.
  • Sturdy. CA-Solar mounting frames can withstand wind speed of up to 60m/s.
  • Expandable. No need to worry about future expansion when you have a CA-Solar mounting frame already. Expansion process is similar if not easier than first installation.
  • Easy to install. CA-Solar products are designed for modularity which means installing our products would feel like playing LEGO.
  • Long lasting warranty of up to 10 years. We guarantee our products for 10 years and we guarantee our anodization layers for 5 years.
  • It’s local! You read it correctly, our CA-Solar products are manufactured locally and its quality is ensured by ISO 9001:2015.